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PP sunny day.

Why PP? Because it is a peach-pink (I'm not pretty sure how  I should call this colour)
It was looong ago. I mean my post. It's because I still have not repair my laptop and also I had a bad time in my life. Time of changes. Time to  figure out what should stay and what should fade away. Time to make new plans. Time to realize what I want to do and do it better. 
I made those photos ealier but I had no possibilities to add a new post.
So, the weather still does not love us. It's cold and rainy, sometimes I'm wondering do I need shorts or skirts because I do not wear them. But finally! Vacation! I hope your vacation are amazing and you spend a really great time :) 
A few words about my outfit.
I love blue color but not when we talk about clothes.
I prefer to wear black so I link black with everything.
I wore peach-pink sweater and white shirt what makes my outfit less dismal and I had to wear my new shoes (gift) in almost the same colour. 
It is:
Not that ordinary.
I hope you like it :) enjoy! ♥
Thanks to Pobiedziska for being so hearty.
Has anybody watched ,Friends with Benefits,?
Great song :

Haha LOL. Thug life :P

Shirt & peach sweater - NewYorker
Necklace & bracelet - SinSay
Sunglasses - brylove.pl
Leggins - local shop


white, black & gold

Hi everybody! Today I`d like to show you my ,school, outfit. 
I know my last post was from the beggining of April but I broke my laptop and I couldn`t add anything new. 
The end of school is coming so it`s time to do everything to make our marks better. It`s a very stressful time, and for me it`s time of a big changes. I try to focus on school but thoughts about travelling, having a lot of free time and doing cool things distracts me. I`m only count the days, can`t wait to finish the class and start a new life on my own. The weather is also amazing, I love to walk with my boyfriend, or explore  new places on a bike, God it`s annoying, I`d like to leave everything behind and go somewhere far away.

Shirt - newyorker
Blouse - newyorker
Leggins - gift grom aunt
Backpack - Sinsay


Furry Furry Spring

Easter, maybe it sounds weird but it snowed today. The 3rd of April and I see snow trough my window. I was hoping for a nice weather to make some photos or finally come out of my house and do not spend every evening on watching films and getting fatter because of junk food. A lot of ideas and no way to make them real because of crazy weather - snow - sun - rain - snow - wind. All in one. 

Sitting here and trying to make something sensible when some guy trying to fix my exit door (it locked for no reason), listening my spotify music and thinking what I'd like to do in Easter, except spend it with my boyfriend. I need to rest and clean up my thoughts. 
I love furry things, really I'm totally in love with them ( of course I mean faux fur) 
so I took my grandma's sweater ( in fashionable pattern :0 ), I wore leather skirt and my lovely fur vest.
I know I'm not super fashion blogger and I didn't mean to, I just wanted to show you how I compose my clothes, in cheap, nice and easy way. So enjoy!

Wielkanoc,może to brzmi dziwnie ale właśnie padał śnieg. 3ci kwietnia a za oknem widze istną śnieżyce. Miałam nadzieję na ładną pogodę żeby porobić jakieś zdjęcia czy wreszcie wyjść z domu i nie spędzać każdego wieczoru na oglądaniu filmów i tyciu od śmieciowego żarcia. Mnóstwo pomysłów i brak szans na ich realizację a wsystko przez tą zwariowaną pogodę - śnieg-słońce-deszcz-śnieg-wiatr. Wszystko na raz.
Siedzę tu i próbuję stworzyć coś sensownego kiedy jakiś gość próbuje naprawić moje drzwi (zablokowały się bez powodu), słuchając mojej muzyki na spotify i myśląc co chciałabym robić w te święta,poza spędzaniem ich z moim chłopakiem. Muszę odpocząć i poukładać myśli.
Kocham futrzane rzeczy,serio, całkowicie się w nich zakochałam (oczywiście mówię o sztucznych futrach) więc wzięłam sweterek z babcinej szafy (w o dziwo modny wzór pepitki), założyłam swoją skórzaną spódniczkę oraz jakże ukochaną futrzaną kamizelkę.
Wiem że nie jestem super fashion bloggerką i nigdy nawet nie zamierzałam nią być, chciałam tylko pokazać jak komponuje swoje ubrania w tani,ładny i prosty sposób.
Miłego oglądania!

sweater - Grandma's own
fur - stradivarius
belt - house
skirt - local shop

Here some beautiful examples: 


(Not)stereotypical blonde.

A lot has happened lately. Breaking up are never easy, it took me a lot of time to get over it and now I feel so much better. Thanks to my friend going through this wasn't that bad I thought it would be. Yeah you are starting to appreciate these friends after something like this. Okay enough about my broken heart, live goes on, there's no time to live memories. The past is past. For all broken hearted , If it was real, it wouldn't end. This is my principle. Before I'll burn all gifts I decided to use cute pink sweater which I get from his mom. She gave me a lot of clothes but I leave them for warmer days.
I don't like pink but I wanted to use my pink necklace and I thought it'll fit to pink sweater and jeans -to make my look less ,sweet,  I'm blonde with blue eyes and in pink I look like a stereotypical one.
I also love my jacket it looks good with everything. I saw somewhere outfits like this - jeans, high heels and jackets and I wanted make something similar, okay maybe it doesn't look amazing but I think photos are really good and I didn't want to waste my friend work. So enjoy :)

jeans - terranova
jacket - local shop
necklace - iloko.pl